Educational Resources
Below are some exciting and safe links to fun activities for various ages:
ABCmouse.com® Early Learning Academy is a full online curriculum web based program for children ages 2–8. ABCmouse.com’s step-by-step learning path is a carefully designed program of more than 850 lessons across 10 levels. As your child completes each lesson, they will be guided to the next lesson and motivated to continue learning by their tickets and reward system.
Highlights™kids is a web based platform with a treasure trove of learning activities for kids of all ages. There are educational activities, puzzles, podcasts, and games for your children to learn from.
Education.com is a great online educational platform for children from preschool through 8th grade. Your child can play educational games that help in areas such as reading, grammar, math and science. You also have access to hands-on activities and printable workbooks.
Funbrain is the #1 website for online education platform for children of all ages. Your child can play educational driven games in areas such as math, grammar, science, history, and spelling. The site houses a vast library for reading books and watching videos. There is also a playground area that is designated for pre-k and kindergarten aged children.
Funology is the ultimate parenting toolbox. They have a vast library of ideas to help inspire and entertain your children OFFLINE! From fun crafts, to tasty recipes, to science experiments and mystical magic tricks, you and your child can spend hours having a blast together sans any media devices!
The Lawrence Hall of Science offers an interactive app that has a variety of activities for learners of all ages to unlock science concepts anywhere, anytime. All of their apps and activities are hands-on and designed to foster your child’s learning in dynamic ways.
Moshi Monsters is a interactive platform that is committed to creating safe, calming digital experiences for children of all ages that will inspire fun, creativity, exploration, relaxation or sleep.
National Geographic Kids offers a vast treasure trove of activities, games, and videos for children of all ages to learn about the planet we live on and all of the inhabitants that call it home.
NASA provides a safe place for children to play games as they learn about NASA and its missions. Their online platform houses games of various skill levels for children pre-K through grade 4. These games support national education standards in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
PBSKids is an web based education platform for children of all ages. Your child has the opportunity to learn with their favorite PBS show characters through either mind stimulating games or shows.
The Seussville website allows your children to partake in Dr. Seuss based games and show, has free birthday printable activities, and detailed information about a lot of the popular Seussville characters; as well as an ecommerce shop to buy art, books, and apparel from the Seuss world.
Starfall websites emphasizes exploration, play, and positive reinforcement—encouraging children to become confident and intrinsically motivated. Due to the engaging content that “feels like play,” Starfall serves as an educational alternative to other entertainment choices for children.
Tutor Bot website helps your child improves their fluency and confidences with numerous Math skills.
Wizarding World™ is the official website for Harry Potter & Fantastic Beasts. Their kids section guides children on all aspects of the wizarding world, as well as meeting the characters from the books, and mind stimulating games to play.
Whyville is an educational website that is geared towards children ages 8-14+. Your child can create a custom avatar and learn together with their friends about a wide range of topics like business, art, science, and geography.

Program Highlight
This is Manuel and his mentor Tina. Tina is attending University of St. Joseph. Manuel and Tina have been a pair all year long! Tina has even sat with others students who needed homework help when Manuel was finished with his. ConnectiKids would like to thank Tina for her dedication to the program and congratulate her on a semester well done!
“Action is the fundamental key to success.”
– Pablo Picasso

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